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The ease of raising fish depends on several factors, including the type of fish and the conditions of the environment in which it is raised. Here are some fish that some consider easy to raise in aquariums:

1. Guppy:
Guppies are family fish and easy to breed. They do not require special care and can be raised in small tanks.

2. Zebra Danio:
This type of fish is small and active, and lives in small groups. They can be raised in small tanks and are suitable for beginners.

3. Barb:
Some types of barb include the crazy barb and the neon barb, which are also easy fish to raise.

4. Cichlid:
Some cichlid species are easy to raise, such as the small African cichlid. They can be suitable for beginners.

5. Platy:
Platy is considered a calm and easy-to-breed fish. They can be raised in small tanks and are suitable for beginners.

Before you start raising any type of fish, you must ensure that the necessary environmental conditions are available, such as the appropriate temperature, the presence of a filtration and water cleaning system, and the availability of suitable food. It is always preferable to research and inquire about the needs of each type of fish before starting to raise them.

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